Saturday 4 August 2012

South American Adventures and Pictures

South American Adventures and Pictures

As its the end of July I will update the blog with a few recent adventures and shots I have taken, I recently led an expedition out to Bolivia with a group exploring the mountains, jungle and the other worldly area of the salt flats of the volcanic Chilean/ Bolivian border.

The Bolivians always love a good party and any excuse to block a street, dance and eat fast food is take up with glee, this is what greeted us on the street outside or otherwise quiet hostel... if you can't beat em join em.

While in La Paz I got to work with a children's project that provides alternative and creative learning through games, art and other interactive mediums. This was great fun and rewarding although playing tag at 4000m above sea level is a bit taxing on the lungs!

The next part of the trip took us to the otherworldly land of the Salt flats down by the Chilean/ Bolivian border, and area i have been to before but one that is so photogenic that its alway a spectacular chance to get some new shots.
The salt and mineral train graveyard near Uyuni, many of these locomotives from the 19th century mineral boom were manufactured u
in the factories England, they've come a long way to finally rest in this eerie land. 

Salt is still mined here using the most basic of labour, a man and his shovel, hard work in what is an incredibly bright land as the sun glares down and bounces off the white salt all day.

The classic team picture of the spectacular flatness of the salt flats

 The volcanic mountains of the area are spectacular and have many beautiful mineral lakes below them, fantastic area apart from the smell of eggs from all the sulphur.

The wild world of the volcano area and the salar means that some pretty interesting adventure travel must occur, usually in the back of a land cruiser, these shots of our convoy whipping up the dust convey the scale and scenery that you thunder (and bounce and shake....( across for days.

and finally the spooky geyser area at a very cold 5am, some cold tourists watching a steamy sunrise.
thats is the first part of the Bolivian expedition adventure, i will update next with the mountains of the north of Bolivia and the jungle tour down in the pampas/ amazon area and there will be more from Bolivia as well as i will be located here until next year scoping out venues for first ascent rock climbing, keep checking back.

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